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MahJong Solitaire History

Shanghai Mahjong Solitaire History

As a matter of fact, The MahJong Solitaire game is not an ancient game,
The first popular widely distributed Mahjong solitaire game was created by the American computer games company Activision in 1986, After it was available in few universities as a local project

The game, which was called "Shanghai" by Activision was first released for the Macintosh and was created by Brodie Lockard and Brad Fregger.
The game was an immediate success with over 10 millions copies sold all over the world (Including the Mac, Dos and Commodore versions)

Images of Activision's original game boxes

First game's cover
The box cover of the first Shanghai game by Activision (1986)

Second game's cover
The box Cover of the sequel game "Shanghai II - Dragon's eye" by Activision (1989)

third game's cover
The box Cover of the third game in the series, "Shanghai:Triple Threat" by Activision (1994)

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